/*===================================================== * Script Name: tour_module_popupCalendar.js * Description: 空席照会モジュール カレンダー 共通処理 * Version: 1.1 * Last Up Date: 2017/10/25 =====================================================*/ var m_tourModuleScrollTop = 0; // *** Browser var useragent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var appVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); // * IE var isIe = ((useragent.indexOf('msie') != -1) && (useragent.indexOf('opera') == -1)); var isIe5down = false; if(isIe){ var isIe3to5 = ((appVersion < 4) || ((appVersion == 4) && ((useragent.indexOf('msie 4')!=-1) || (useragent.indexOf('msie 5.0')!=-1)))); isIe5down =(isIe && isIe3to5); } // * NN & FF var isNn = ((useragent.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (useragent.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (useragent.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (useragent.indexOf('opera')==-1)); var isNn6down = false; if(isNn){ var isNn2 = (appVersion == 2); var isNn3 = (appVersion == 3); var isNn4 = (appVersion == 4); var isNn6 = (appVersion == 5) && (useragent.indexOf('netscape6') != -1); isNn6down = (isNn2 || isNn3 || isNn4 || isNn6); } // * OPERA var isOpera = (useragent.indexOf('opera') != -1); var isOpera7down = false; if(isOpera){ var isOpera2 = (useragent.indexOf('opera 2') != -1 || useragent.indexOf('opera/2') != -1); var isOpera3 = (useragent.indexOf('opera 3') != -1 || useragent.indexOf('opera/3') != -1); var isOpera4 = (useragent.indexOf('opera 4') != -1 || useragent.indexOf('opera/4') != -1); var isOpera5 = (useragent.indexOf('opera 5') != -1 || useragent.indexOf('opera/5') != -1); var isOpera6 = (useragent.indexOf('opera 6') != -1 || useragent.indexOf('opera/6') != -1); var isOpera7 = (useragent.indexOf('opera 7') != -1 || useragent.indexOf('opera/7') != -1); isOpera7down = (isOpera2 || isOpera3 || isOpera4 || isOpera5 || isOpera6 || isOpera7); } // * SAFARI var isSafari = (useragent.indexOf('safari') != -1); var isSafari13down = false; if(isSafari) { var tmpAgt = useragent.substring(useragent.indexOf('applewebkit/') + 12); var version = tmpAgt.substring(0, tmpAgt.indexOf(' ')); if(version.indexOf('.') != -1){ version = version.substring(0, version.indexOf('.')); } version -= 0; if(version < 312){ isSafari13down = true; } } var is_untarget_brow = (isIe5down || isNn6down || isOpera7down || isSafari13down); /******************************************************************************* *

カレンダー入力部品 共通メソッド定義
********************************************************************************/ m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc = new Object(); m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc = { /** *


* @param {Object} bind * @param {Object} func */ applyFunc : function(bind, func) { return function() { return func.apply(bind, arguments); }; }, addMultiEventListener : function(target, self, type, func) { if(target instanceof $tour_module_jq){ target.on(type, this.applyFunc(self, func)); } else if (target.addEventListener) { target.addEventListener(type, this.applyFunc(self, func), false); } else if (target.attachEvent && func.apply) { target.attachEvent('on' + type, this.applyFunc(self, func)); } else { target['on' + type] = func; } }, cancelEvent : function(evtObj) { if (window.attachEvent) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; } else if (window.addEventListener) { evtObj.stopPropagation(); } else { window.event.cancelBubble = true; } } }; /************************************************************* *


*************************************************************/ /** *


* @param {Number} dd 加算する日数 * @return {Date} 自身 */ Date.prototype.addDateTour = function(dd){ this.setTime(this.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 24 * dd * 1000)); return this; }; /** *


* @param {Number} mm 加算する日数 * @return {Date} 自身 */ Date.prototype.addMonthTour = function(mm){ var afterDate = new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth() + mm, 1); return afterDate; }; /** *

* yyyy/mm[00-11]/dd[01-31]

* @return {String} yyyymmdd String yyyymmdd形式のカレンダー */ Date.prototype.zeroPaddingFormatTour = function(){ return this.getFullYear() + ('0' + (this.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ('0' + this.getDate()).slice(-2); }; /** *

* yyyy/mm[00-11]

* @return {String} yyyymm String yyyymm形式のカレンダー */ Date.prototype.zeroPaddingFormatYMTour = function(){ return this.getFullYear() + ('0' + (this.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); }; /******************************************************************************* *

* @param {Number} maxLimitDays * @param {Number} maxLimitMonths * @param {Boolean} isDispHoliday * @param {String} locale(J or E) * @param {Number} calendarLength * @param {Boolean} weekDay ********************************************************************************/ m_tourModulePopupCalendarProperties = function(args){ var defaults = {} defaults = { maxLimitDays : null, maxSelectableDays : null, maxLimitMonths : 11, isDispHoliday : true, locale : 'J', calendarLength : 3 , weekDay : true, spWidth : 0 } $tour_module_jq.extend(true,this,defaults) $tour_module_jq.extend(true,this,args); return this; } m_tourModulePopupCalendarProperties.prototype.width = function() { return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth; } m_tourModulePopupCalendarProperties.prototype.isSp = function() { return this.width() <= this.spWidth; } m_tourModulePopupCalendarProperties.prototype.getCalendarLength = function() { if (this.isSp()) { return this.maxLimitMonths + 1; } else { return this.calendarLength; } } /************************************************************* *


*************************************************************/ m_tourModuleDateUtil = function(PCP, boundaryTime) { if(is_untarget_brow) { return false; } this.ownYear = []; this.dummyDate = this.calcCurrentDate(boundaryTime); this.OFFSET = 1980; this.MATH_WEIGHT = 0.242194; this.maxLimitDateTime = null; this.maxSelectableDateTime = null; this.systemDate = null; this.PCP = PCP; this.systemDate = this.calcCurrentDate(boundaryTime); var maxLimitDate; if(this.PCP.maxLimitDays) { maxLimitDate = new Date(this.systemDate.getFullYear(), this.systemDate.getMonth(), this.systemDate.getDate() + this.PCP.maxLimitDays); } else if (this.PCP.maxLimitMonths){ maxLimitDate = new Date(this.systemDate.getFullYear(), this.systemDate.getMonth() + this.PCP.maxLimitMonths, 0); } else { maxLimitDate = new Date(this.systemDate.getFullYear(), this.systemDate.getMonth() + 6, this.systemDate.getDate()); } this.maxLimitDateTime = maxLimitDate.getTime(); var maxSelectableDate; if(this.PCP.maxSelectableDays) { maxSelectableDate = new Date(this.systemDate.getFullYear(), this.systemDate.getMonth(), this.systemDate.getDate() + this.PCP.maxSelectableDays); } else if(this.PCP.maxSelectableMonths) { maxSelectableDate = new Date(this.systemDate.getFullYear(), this.systemDate.getMonth() + this.PCP.maxSelectableMonths, 0); }else{ maxSelectableDate = new Date(this.systemDate.getFullYear(), this.systemDate.getMonth() + 6, this.systemDate.getDate()); } this.maxSelectableDateTime = maxSelectableDate.getTime(); this.dayOfTheWeekClass = ['calendar_sun_label', 'calendar_wday_label', 'calendar_wday_label', 'calendar_wday_label', 'calendar_wday_label', 'calendar_wday_label', 'calendar_sat_label' ]; return this; } /** *

* @return {Date} */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.getSystemDate = function(){ return new Date(this.systemDate.getFullYear(), this.systemDate.getMonth(), this.systemDate.getDate()); } /** *

* ( システム日付 <= date <= 最大有効日付)である場合有効と判断します。

* @param {Date} date * @return {Boolean} */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.isValidDate = function(date) { if (this.systemDate.getTime() <= date.getTime() && date.getTime() <= this.maxLimitDateTime) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /** *

* ( システム日付 <= date <= 最大有効日付)である場合選択可能と判断します。

* @param {Date} date * @return {Boolean} */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.isSelectableDate = function(date) { if (this.systemDate.getTime() <= date.getTime() && date.getTime() <= this.maxSelectableDateTime) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /** *

* ( システム日付(年月) <= date <= 最大有効日付(年月))である場合選択可能と判断します。

* @param {Date} date * @return {Boolean} */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.isSelectableMonth = function(options, date) { var checkMonth = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1); var maxSelectableDate = new Date(this.maxSelectableDateTime); var checkMaxSelectableMonth = new Date(maxSelectableDate.getFullYear(), maxSelectableDate.getMonth(), 1); // 受付非活性後の受付開始日付(の前日)を取得 var enableStartDate = this.calcEnableStartDate(options); if (!enableStartDate) { return false; } // 受付非活性後の受付開始日付(当日)を設定 enableStartDate.setDate(enableStartDate.getDate() + 1); var checkEnableStartMonth = new Date(enableStartDate.getFullYear(), enableStartDate.getMonth(), 1); if (checkEnableStartMonth.getTime() <= checkMonth.getTime() && checkMonth.getTime() <= checkMaxSelectableMonth.getTime()) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /** *

month, dayよりDateオブジェクトを作成します。
* 妥当でない日付が入力された場合はnullを返却します。

* @param {Number} month [0-11] * @param {Number} date [1-31] * @return {Date} */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.createDateWithMD = function(month, day){ if (((month < 0) || (11 < month)) || ((day < 1) || (31 < day))) { return null; } var year; if ((month < this.systemDate.getMonth()) || ((month == this.systemDate.getMonth()) && (day < this.systemDate.getDate()))) { // システム日付より前である場合は翌年とみなす。 year = this.systemDate.getFullYear() + 1; } else { year = this.systemDate.getFullYear(); } return this.createDateWithYMD(year, month, day); } /** *

year, monthよりDateオブジェクトを作成します。
* 妥当でない日付が入力された場合はnullを返却します。

* @param {Number} year yyyy * @param {Number} month [0-11] * @return {Date} */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.createDateWithYM = function (year, month){ if (((month < 0) || (11 < month)) || ((year < 2008) || 2999 < year)) { return null; } var tmpDate = new Date(year, month, 1); // 妥当性チェック if (tmpDate.getFullYear() != year || tmpDate.getMonth() != month) { return null; } return tmpDate; } /** *

year, month, dayよりDateオブジェクトを作成します。
* 妥当でない日付が入力された場合はnullを返却します。

* @param {Number} year yyyy * @param {Number} month [0-11] * @param {Number} date [1-31] * @return {Date} */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.createDateWithYMD = function (year, month, day){ if (((month < 0) || (11 < month)) || ((day < 1) || (31 < day)) || ((year < 2008) || 2999 < year)) { return null; } var tmpDate = new Date(year, month, day); // 妥当性チェック if (tmpDate.getFullYear() != year || tmpDate.getMonth() != month || tmpDate.getDate() != day) { return null; } return tmpDate; } /**  *


 * @param {Date} date  * @return {boolean}  */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.isHoliday = function(date){ if(!this.PCP.isDispHoliday){ return false; } var targetYear = date.getFullYear(); if (!this.ownYear[targetYear]) { var map = this.makeHolidayMap(targetYear); this.ownYear[targetYear] = map; } var dateZeroPaddingFormat = date.zeroPaddingFormatTour(); var holidayMap = this.ownYear[targetYear]; if(holidayMap[dateZeroPaddingFormat]){ return true; } else { return false; } }; /**  *


 * @param {String} strDate yyyymmdd形式のカレンダー  * @return {Date}  */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.createCalendarFromFormatVal = function(strDate){ var year = strDate.substring(0, 4); var month = strDate.substring(4, 6); if (month.charAt(0) == '0') { month = month.slice(-1); } var date = strDate.substring(6, 8); if (date.length == 0) { date = '1'; } if (date.charAt(0) == '0') { date = date.slice(-1); } return new Date(year, month - 1, date); }; /** *


* @param {Number} fullYear 年[数字4桁] * @return {Array} holidayMap */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.makeHolidayMap = function(fullYear){ var holidayMap = []; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 0, 1)] = '元日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 0, this.getWeekDay(fullYear, 0, 2, 1))] = '成人の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 1, 11)] = '建国記念の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 1, 23)] = '天皇誕生日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 2, this.getVernal(fullYear))] = '春分の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 3, 29)] = '昭和の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 4, 3)] = '憲法記念日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 4, 4)] = 'みどりの日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 4, 5)] = 'こどもの日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 6, this.getWeekDay(fullYear, 6, 3, 1))] = '海の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 7, 11)] = '山の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 8, this.getWeekDay(fullYear, 8, 3, 1))] = '敬老の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 8, this.getAutumnal(fullYear))] = '秋分の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 9, this.getWeekDay(fullYear, 9, 2, 1))] = '体育の日'; holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 10, 3)] = '文化の日'; // if(fullYear == 2009){ // holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 10, 12)] = '天皇陛下御即位二十年奉祝'; // } holidayMap[this.createFormatCalendarVal(fullYear, 10, 23)] = '勤労感謝の日'; var tempMap1 = []; for (var key1 in holidayMap) { var cal1 = this.createCalendarFromFormatVal(key1); if (cal1.getDay() == 0) { for (;;) { cal1.addDateTour(1); var targetFormatCal1 = cal1.zeroPaddingFormatTour(); if (!holidayMap[targetFormatCal1]) { tempMap1[targetFormatCal1] = targetFormatCal1; break; } } } } for (var key2 in tempMap1) { holidayMap[key2] = '振替休日'; } var tempMap2 = []; for (var key3 in holidayMap) { var cal2 = this.createCalendarFromFormatVal(key3); cal2.addDateTour(2); if (holidayMap[cal2.zeroPaddingFormatTour()]) { cal2.addDateTour(-1); var targetFormatCal2 = cal2.zeroPaddingFormatTour(); if (!holidayMap[targetFormatCal2]) { tempMap2[targetFormatCal2] = targetFormatCal2; } } } for (var key4 in tempMap2) { holidayMap[key4] = '国民の休日'; } return holidayMap; }; /** *


* @param {Number} year 年 * @param {Number} month 月 * @param {Number} day 日 */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.createFormatCalendarVal = function(year, month, day){ this.dummyDate.setFullYear(year, month, day); return this.dummyDate.zeroPaddingFormatTour(); }; /** *


* @param {Number} year 年 * @param {Number} month 月 * @param {Number} day 日 */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.createFormatCalendarYMVal = function(year, month){ this.dummyDate.setFullYear(year, month, 1); return this.dummyDate.zeroPaddingFormatYMTour(); }; /** *


* @param {Number} yyyy 年 * @param {Number} mm 月 * @param {Number} week 第何週目かの指定[1-6] * @param {Number} wday 曜日を指定[0(日)-6(土)] * @return {Date} date 指定月の第??曜日の日付 */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.getWeekDay = function(yyyy, mm, week, wday){ var fisrtDate = new Date(yyyy, mm, 1); var firstDay = fisrtDate.getDay(); var lastDate = new Date(fisrtDate.getFullYear(), fisrtDate.getMonth() + 1, 0); var numOfLastDate = lastDate.getDate(); if (wday >= firstDay) { week--; } var numOfDate = 7 * week + wday + 1 - firstDay; if ((numOfDate > numOfLastDate) || (numOfDate <= 0)) { return null; } return numOfDate; }; /** *

* ※2099年まで有効

* @param {String} yyyy 現在年 * @return {String} 指定された年の春分の日を返す */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.getVernal = function(yyyy) { var vernal = parseInt(20.8431 + this.MATH_WEIGHT * (yyyy - this.OFFSET) - ((yyyy - this.OFFSET) >> 2)); return vernal; }; /** *

* ※2099年まで有効

* @param {Number} yyyy 現在年 * @return {String} 指定された年の秋分の日を返す */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.getAutumnal = function(yyyy) { var autumnal = parseInt(23.2488 + this.MATH_WEIGHT * (yyyy - this.OFFSET) - ((yyyy - this.OFFSET) >> 2)); return autumnal; }; /** *


* @return {Object} プルダウン要素 */ m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.getDateClassElement = function(options, className) { return $tour_module_jq('#' + options.textId).parents('form').find(className).get(0); }; // 営業日付を取得 m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcCurrentDate = function(boundaryTime) { // 営業日付を取得 var currentDate = new Date(); // 指定した時刻(営業終了時刻)を超えていたら翌日を当日に設定しなおす var compareDate; if (boundaryTime) { compareDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate(), boundaryTime.substring(0,2), boundaryTime.substring(3,5)); } else { // デフォルトの設定時間は17:00とする compareDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate(), 17, 0); } // 指定した時刻(営業終了時刻)を超えている場合 if (currentDate.getTime() > compareDate.getTime()) { currentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate() + 1); } else { currentDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate()); } return currentDate; }; // 開始日に対する終了日の取得 m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcRetDaysFromStartDate = function(options) { var retDaysFromStartDate; if (!options.returnDaysFromDepartureDate) { return 2; } // 指定されたオプション値がnumber型の場合は直接返す if (typeof options.returnDaysFromDepartureDate === 'number') { return options.returnDaysFromDepartureDate; } var areaClass = options.targetObject.parents('form').find('.' + options.areaClass); var countryClass = options.targetObject.parents('form').find('.' + options.countryClass); var apoClass = options.targetObject.parents('form').find('.' + options.apoClass); // 都市に紐付く日数情報を取得 var apoClassValue = apoClass.val(); retDaysFromStartDate = options.returnDaysFromDepartureDate['city'][apoClassValue]; // 都市に紐付く日数情報を取得出来たらそれを返す if (retDaysFromStartDate) { return retDaysFromStartDate; } // 国に紐付く日数情報を取得 var countryClassValue = countryClass.val(); retDaysFromStartDate = options.returnDaysFromDepartureDate['country'][countryClassValue]; // 国に紐付く日数情報を取得出来たらそれを返す if (retDaysFromStartDate) { return retDaysFromStartDate; } // 地域に紐付く日数情報を取得 var areaClassValue = areaClass.val(); retDaysFromStartDate = options.returnDaysFromDepartureDate['area'][areaClassValue]; // 地域に紐付く日数情報を取得出来たらそれを返す if (retDaysFromStartDate) { return retDaysFromStartDate; } // デフォルトの日数情報を取得 retDaysFromStartDate = options.returnDaysFromDepartureDate['default']; // デフォルトの日数情報を取得出来たらそれを返す if (retDaysFromStartDate) { return retDaysFromStartDate; } return 2; }; // 受付終了日数の取得 m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcReceiptDisableDays = function(options) { var targetReceiptDisableDays; if (!options.receiptDisableDays && typeof options.receiptDisableDays !== 'number') { return 18; } // 指定されたオプション値がnumber型の場合は直接返す if (typeof options.receiptDisableDays === 'number') { return options.receiptDisableDays; } if (options.areaClass) { var areaClass = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.areaClass); if (areaClass) { var areaClassValue = areaClass.value; targetReceiptDisableDays = options.receiptDisableDays[areaClassValue]; if (!targetReceiptDisableDays) { targetReceiptDisableDays = options.receiptDisableDays['default']; } } } else { targetReceiptDisableDays = options.receiptDisableDays['default']; } return targetReceiptDisableDays; }; // 最大旅行日数の取得 //以下の条件でカレンダーの種類を判断 //startDateClass:設定済み+middleDateClass:設定済み⇒帰りのカレンダー //startDateClass:設定済み+middleDateClass:設定なし⇒移動日のカレンダー //startDateClass:設定なし⇒行きのカレンダー m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcMaxTravelDays = function(options) { var maxTravelDays; if (!options.maxTravelDays && typeof options.maxTravelDays !== 'number') { return undefined; } // 指定されたオプション値がnumber型の場合は直接返す if (typeof options.maxTravelDays === 'number') { return options.maxTravelDays; } if (options.areaClass) { var areaClass = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.areaClass); if (areaClass) { // 移動日または帰りのカレンダーの設定 var areaClassValue = areaClass.value; maxTravelDays = options.maxTravelDays[areaClassValue]; if (!maxTravelDays) { maxTravelDays = options.maxTravelDays['default']; } } else { maxTravelDays = undefined; } } else { maxTravelDays = undefined; } return maxTravelDays; }; // 受付開始日付(の前日)を取得 // 以下の条件でカレンダーの種類を判断 // startDateClass:設定済み+middleDateClass:設定済み⇒帰りのカレンダー // startDateClass:設定済み+middleDateClass:設定なし⇒移動日のカレンダー // startDateClass:設定なし⇒行きのカレンダー m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcEnableStartDate = function(options) { var enableStartDate; var currentDate = m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcCurrentDate(options.boundaryTime); var receiptDisableDays; receiptDisableDays = m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcReceiptDisableDays(options); // 受付非活性後の受付開始日付を設定 if (options.startDateClass) { var isExcludeMiddleDate = this.isExcludeMiddleDate(options.stayCityCount); var startDateClassElement = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.startDateClass); var startDate = this.createCalendarFromFormatVal(startDateClassElement.value); if(options.sameDayFlag){ //行きと同日選択可能な場合 startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate()-1); } if (options.middleDateClass) { // 帰りのカレンダーの設定 var middleDateClassElement = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.middleDateClass); var middleDate = this.createCalendarFromFormatVal(middleDateClassElement.value); var retDays = this.calcRetDaysFromStartDate(options); var startDateYear = parseInt(startDateClassElement.value.substring(0, 4)); var startDateMonth = parseInt(startDateClassElement.value.substring(4, 6)); var startDateDay = parseInt(startDateClassElement.value.substring(6, 8)); var retDaysFromStartDate = new Date(startDateYear, startDateMonth - 1, startDateDay + retDays - 1); if (isExcludeMiddleDate) { // 移動日の省略時 enableStartDate = retDaysFromStartDate; } else { // 移動日を表示する場合の分岐 if (middleDate.getTime() > retDaysFromStartDate.getTime()) { enableStartDate = middleDate; } else { enableStartDate = retDaysFromStartDate; } } } else { // 移動日のカレンダーの設定 enableStartDate = startDate; } } else if(options.minTravelDateClass){ //受付開始日付が他項目と連動する場合 var startDateClassElement = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.minTravelDateClass); var startDateYear = parseInt(startDateClassElement.value.substring(0, 4)); var startDateMonth = parseInt(startDateClassElement.value.substring(4, 6)); var startDateDay = parseInt(startDateClassElement.value.substring(6, 8)); var retDaysFromStartDate = new Date(startDateYear, startDateMonth - 1, startDateDay - 1); enableStartDate = retDaysFromStartDate; }else{ // 行きのカレンダーの設定 if (typeof receiptDisableDays === 'number') { enableStartDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate() + receiptDisableDays); } else { enableStartDate = new Date(currentDate.getFullYear(), currentDate.getMonth(), currentDate.getDate() + 18); } } return enableStartDate; }; // 受付開始日に対する受付終了日付を取得 m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcEnableEndDate = function(options, enableStartDate) { var enableEndDate; var maxTravelDays = m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.calcMaxTravelDays(options); if (typeof maxTravelDays !== 'number') { enableEndDate = new Date(2999, 12, 31); return enableEndDate; } if(options.maxTravelDateClass){ //チェックイン時の考慮 var startDateClassElement = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.maxTravelDateClass); var startDate = this.createCalendarFromFormatVal(startDateClassElement.value); enableEndDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate() + maxTravelDays); }else if (options.startDateClass) { // 移動日または帰りのカレンダーの設定 var startDateClassElement = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.startDateClass); var startDate = this.createCalendarFromFormatVal(startDateClassElement.value); enableEndDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate() + maxTravelDays); } else if(options.maxTravelDateClass){ //チェックイン時の考慮 var startDateClassElement = this.getDateClassElement(options, '.' + options.maxTravelDateClass); var startDate = this.createCalendarFromFormatVal(startDateClassElement.value); enableEndDate = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate() + maxTravelDays); }else{ // 行きのカレンダーの設定 enableEndDate = new Date(2999, 12, 31); } return enableEndDate; }; //滞在都市数から中間日付の除外を判定 m_tourModuleDateUtil.prototype.isExcludeMiddleDate = function(stayCityCount) { // 中間日付除外フラグ var isExcludeMiddleDate = false; // 滞在都市数を取得 if (stayCityCount) { var selectedStayCityCount = stayCityCount.find('input[name=m_stay]:checked'); // 1都市滞在に設定されている場合 if (selectedStayCityCount && selectedStayCityCount.val() === '0') { isExcludeMiddleDate = true; } } return isExcludeMiddleDate; }; /************************************************************* *


* *************************************************************/ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller = function() { if(is_untarget_brow) { return false; } this.displayingCalendarName = null; this.cals = new Array(); for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { this.cals.push(arguments[i]); this.cals[i].calendarContoroller = this; } return this; }; /** *

* プルダウンで選択された日付を基にカレンダーの表示を行います。
* プルダウンで日付が選択されていない場合はプライオリティがひとつ前のカレンダーが保持するプルダウン日付を基にカレンダーを表示します。
* それでも日付が取得できない場合はシステム日付を基にカレンダーを表示します。

* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.dispCalendar = function(cal){ // close the displaying calendars this.closeAllCalendar(); if(this.isDisplayingCalendar(cal)){ // update this.displayingCalendarName = null; return true; } // get the calendar in pull down var tmpDate = cal.getPulldownDate(); if (cal.DU.PCP.isSp()) { tmpDate = cal.DU.getSystemDate(); } else if ( !tmpDate ) { tmpDate = cal.DU.getSystemDate(); } // describe popupCalendar cal.describeCalendar(tmpDate); // update this.displayingCalendarName = cal.name; return true; }; /** *


* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal * @return {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} tmpCal */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.getPrevPriorityCalendar = function(cal){ for (var i = 0, n = this.cals.length; i < n; i++) { var tmpCal = this.cals[i]; if( tmpCal.priority == (cal.priority - 1)) { return tmpCal; } } return null; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.closeAllCalendar = function(){ for (var i = 0, n = this.cals.length; i < n; i++) { this.cals[i].close(); } return true; }; /** *


* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} arguments */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.addCalendar = function(cal) { if (!this.cals) { this.cals = new array(); } this.cals.push(cal); return true; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.close = function() { this.closeAllCalendar(); // update this.displayingCalendarName = null; return true; }; /** *


* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal * @return {Boolean} true:表示中のカレンダー false:その他 */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.isDisplayingCalendar = function(cal) { return $tour_module_jq('#cal_balloon_parts_' + cal.uniqueKey + ':visible').length > 0; }; /** *


* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.goNextMonth = function(cal) { if(!this.isDisplayingCalendar(cal)){ this.close(); } else { cal.updateCalendar(cal.baseDate.addMonthTour(cal.prevNextInterval)); } return true; }; /** *


* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.goPreviousMonth = function(cal) { if(!this.isDisplayingCalendar(cal)){ this.close(); } else { cal.updateCalendar(cal.baseDate.addMonthTour(-cal.prevNextInterval)); } return true; }; /** *


* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.goCurrentMonth = function(cal) { cal.updateCalendar(cal.DU.getSystemDate()); return true; }; /** *

* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal * @param {Number} year * @param {Number} month */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.setMonthToForm = function(cal, year, month) { if(!this.isDisplayingCalendar(cal)){ this.close(); } var tmpDate = cal.DU.createDateWithYM(year, month); cal.setDatePulldownYM(tmpDate); this.close(); return true; }; /** *

* 不正な日付であった場合システム日付をプルダウンに設定する。

* @param {m_tourModulePopupCalendar} cal * @param {Number} year * @param {Number} month * @param {Number} day */ m_tourModuleCalendarContoroller.prototype.setDateToForm = function(cal, year, month, day) { if(!this.isDisplayingCalendar(cal)){ this.close(); } var tmpDate = cal.DU.createDateWithYMD(year, month, day); if(!tmpDate){ tmpDate = cal.DU.getSystemDate(); } cal.setDatePulldown(tmpDate); this.close(); return true; }; /************************************************************* *


* * @param {String[11]} monthList 1月~12月に対応する表記を格納した配列 * @param {String[6]} weekList 日曜日から~土曜日に対応する表記を格納した配列 * @param {String} prevMonthFormat 前の3か月ボタンの表記を設定した文字列 * @param {String} nextMonthFormat 次の3か月ボタンの表記を設定した文字列 * @param {String} closeButtonFormat 閉じるボタンの表記を設定した文字列 * @param {String} DateFormatter 年月日を出力したい書式に変換する関数 *************************************************************/ m_tourModulePopupCalendarLanguageProperties = function(args){ var defaults = { HeadFormat : 'Select the date of departure.', MonthList : new Array('JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN','JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'), WeekList : new Array('SU','MO','TU','WE','TH','FR','ST'), PrevMonthFormat : '3 months earlier', NextMonthFormat : '3 months later', PresentMonthFormat : '', CloseButtonFormat : 'Close', FormatMonth : function(baseDate) { return this.MonthList[baseDate.getMonth()]; }, FormatYearMonth : function(baseDate) { return this.FormatMonth(baseDate) + ' ' + baseDate.getFullYear(); }, FormatDate : function(baseDate) { return parseInt(baseDate.getFullYear(), 10) + '/' + parseInt(baseDate.getMonth(), 10) + '/' + parseInt(baseDate.getDate(), 10); } } $tour_module_jq.extend(true,this,defaults) $tour_module_jq.extend(true,this,args); return this; } /** *

* 'J':yyyy年mm[1-12]月/'E':${英語文字月表現}, yyyy

* @see m_tourModuleDateUtil.PCP.locale * @return {String} */ //Date.prototype.getStringYearMonthFormat = function(PCLP){ // this.getFullYear() + '年 ' + stringMonthFormat; /** *

* @see PCLP * @return {String} */ /*Date.prototype.getStringMonthFormat = function(PCLP){ return PCLP.MonthList[this.getMonth()]; } */ /************************************************************* *


* * @param {String} name ポップアップカレンダー名 * @param {String} id ポップアップカレンダー表示ID * @param {String} monthId 月プルダウンID * @param {String} dayId 日プルダウンID * @param {String} imgId カレンダー画像ID * @param {String} dateField 国際・WWS向け * @param {Number} priority 表示優先度 * @param {String} form_number * @param {String} zero_value * @param {String} connectionCal * @param {String} DU * @param {String} PCLP * @param {String} isReceiveTrigger トリガーイベント許容フラグ *************************************************************/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar = function(args) { var defaults = { cssPatternPc : 'd_patternPC d_calendarPosition', cssPatternTablet : 'd_patternPC d_calendarPosition', DU : undefined, PCLP : undefined, name : undefined, id : undefined, monthId : undefined, dayId : undefined, dateField : undefined, textId : undefined, priority : undefined, index : undefined, uniqueKey : undefined, form_number : undefined, zero_value : undefined, connectionCal : undefined, endDay : undefined, calendarContoroller : undefined, isModalModule : false, isReceiveTrigger : false }; if(is_untarget_brow) { return false; } $tour_module_jq.extend(true,this,defaults) $tour_module_jq.extend(true,this,args); this.baseDate = null; m_tourModulePopupCalendar.cals[this.name] = this; var _this = this; var m_txt = document.getElementById(this.textId); if(this.isReceiveTrigger){ if (m_txt) { m_txt = $tour_module_jq(m_txt); // jQueryオブジェクトへ変換 m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc.addMultiEventListener( m_txt, this, 'click', function(event) { $tour_module_jq('#cal_balloon_parts_' + this.uniqueKey).remove(); $tour_module_jq('.is-balloon_open').removeClass('is-balloon_open'); _this.chgDsc(); }); m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc.addMultiEventListener( m_txt, this, 'keydown', function(event) { if(event.keyCode === 13){ $tour_module_jq('#cal_balloon_parts_' + this.uniqueKey).remove(); $tour_module_jq('.is-balloon_open').removeClass('is-balloon_open'); _this.chgDsc(); } }); } }else{ if (m_txt) { m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc.addMultiEventListener( m_txt, this, 'click', function(event) { $tour_module_jq('#cal_balloon_parts_' + this.uniqueKey).remove(); $tour_module_jq('.is-balloon_open').removeClass('is-balloon_open'); _this.chgDsc(); m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc.cancelEvent(event || window.event); }); m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc.addMultiEventListener( m_txt, this, 'keydown', function(event) { if(event.keyCode === 13){ $tour_module_jq('#cal_balloon_parts_' + this.uniqueKey).remove(); $tour_module_jq('.is-balloon_open').removeClass('is-balloon_open'); _this.chgDsc(); m_tourModuleCalendarCommonFunc.cancelEvent(event || window.event); } }); } } this.calendarContoroller.addCalendar(this); return this; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.cals = new Array(); /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.chgDsc = function() { m_tourModuleScrollTop = $tour_module_jq(window).scrollTop(); this.calendarContoroller.dispCalendar(this); return true; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.chgNext = function() { this.calendarContoroller.goNextMonth(this); return true; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.chgPrev = function() { this.calendarContoroller.goPreviousMonth(this); return true; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.chgCurrent = function() { this.calendarContoroller.goCurrentMonth(this); return true; }; /** *

(カレンダー) 通知を受け取る

*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.chgClose = function() { this.calendarContoroller.close(); $tour_module_jq(window).scrollTop(m_tourModuleScrollTop); $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).focus(); return true; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.chgSet = function(year, month, day) { var startDate = ''; var startDateVal = ''; if (this.startDateClass) { startDate = $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).parents('form').find('.' + this.startDateClass); startDateVal = startDate.val(); } var middleDate = ''; if (this.middleDateClass) { middleDate = $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).parents('form').find('.' + this.middleDateClass); } var retDate = ''; if (this.retDateClass) { retDate = $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).parents('form').find('.' + this.retDateClass); } this.calendarContoroller.setDateToForm(this, year, month, day); $tour_module_jq(window).scrollTop(m_tourModuleScrollTop); $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).focus(); $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).blur(); return true; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.chgSetYM = function(year, month) { this.calendarContoroller.setMonthToForm(this, year, month); $tour_module_jq(window).scrollTop(m_tourModuleScrollTop); return true; }; /** *


*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.close = function() { var targetElement = document.getElementById(this.id); if (targetElement) { targetElement.style.display = 'none'; } return true; }; /** *


* @return {Date} date プルダウン日付 */ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.getPulldownDate = function() { var monthElement = this.getPullDownMonthElement(); var dayElement = this.getPullDownDayElement(); //要素チェック if (!monthElement) { //何もしない } else if (!dayElement) { //何もしない } else { var CalMonth = monthElement.value; if (typeof this.DU.PCP.CalYear != 'undefined') { CalMonth = monthElement.value.substring(4,6); } if (String(CalMonth).charAt(0) == '0') { mstr = String(CalMonth).charAt(1); } else { mstr = String(CalMonth); } var month = parseInt(mstr, 10) - 1; if (dayElement.value == '') { var day = 1; } else { var day = parseInt(dayElement.value, 10); } return this.DU.createDateWithMD(month, day); } //要素チェック var dateFieldElement = this.getDateFieldElement(); if (!dateFieldElement) { //何もしない } else if (!dateFieldElement.value) { return this.DU.getSystemDate(); } else { return this.DU.createCalendarFromFormatVal(dateFieldElement.value); } }; /** *


* @return {Object} プルダウン要素 */ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.getDateFieldElement = function() { if(this.form_number){ return document.getElementsByTagName('form')[this.form_number][this.dateField]; } else if (this.index) { return document.getElementsByName(this.monthId)[this.index]; } else { return $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).parents('form').find('.' + this.dateValueClass).get(0); } }; /** *


* @return {Object} プルダウン要素 */ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.getPullDownMonthElement = function() { if(this.form_number){ return document.getElementsByTagName('form')[this.form_number][this.monthId]; } else if (this.index) { return document.getElementsByName(this.monthId)[this.index]; } else { return $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).parents('form').find('[name="' + this.monthId + '"]').get(0); } }; /** *


* @return {Object} プルダウン要素 */ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.getPullDownDayElement = function() { if(this.form_number){ return document.getElementsByTagName('form')[this.form_number][this.dayId]; } else if (this.index) { return document.getElementsByName(this.dayId)[this.index]; } else { return $tour_module_jq('#' + this.textId).parents('form').find('[name="' + this.dayId + '"]').get(0); } }; /** *

*/ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.createCalendarBase = function() { var htmlArray = new Array(); var htmlArrayIndex = 0; if (!_.isEmpty(this.additionalClasses)) { var additionalClassNames = ''; if (typeof(this.additionalClasses) === 'string') { additionalClassNames = this.additionalClasses + ' '; } else if (typeof(this.additionalClasses) === 'object') { for(var key in this.additionalClasses) { additionalClassNames = additionalClassNames + this.additionalClasses[key] + ' ' ; } } htmlArray[htmlArrayIndex++] = '

\n'; } else { htmlArray[htmlArrayIndex++] = '\n';// return htmlArray.join(''); }; /** *

* 与えられたbaseDateの年月を基準にカレンダーを作成します。

* @param {Date} baseDate カレンダー表示基準日付 */ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.createCalendarBody = function(baseDate) { this.baseDate = baseDate; var htmlArray = new Array(); var htmlArrayIndex = 0; htmlArray[htmlArrayIndex++] = '\n'; return htmlArray.join(''); }; /** *

* 与えられたbaseDateの年月を基準にカレンダーを作成します。

* @param {Date} baseDate カレンダー表示基準日付 */ m_tourModulePopupCalendar.prototype.createCalendarBodyTop = function(baseDate) { this.baseDate = baseDate; var htmlArray = new Array(); var htmlArrayIndex = 0; htmlArray[htmlArrayIndex++] = '